Leros - Kalimnos - Samos Seferlerimiz Başladı!

About Us

Our Journey of Quality

EFQM Excellence Model


IDO has established and implemented national and international management standards in order to increase the quality of its services and to grow customer satisfaction. ISO 9001, ISO 10002, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISM Management Systems and EFQM Excellence Model have been adopted and implemented for our stakeholders.

ISO 9001 Quality Management System and ISO Customer Satisfaction Management System

As of 2000, IDO fulfilled ISO 9001 Quality Management System requirements in all operations performed within the company and obtained the ISO 9001:1994 certification following the comprehensive audit by TÜV Management Service. All developments of the Quality Management Standard, which have been revised by years, are put into practice in our company.

To strengthen the corporate governance and to further improve the quality standards of the service offered to customers, the weight of the process improvement efforts was further enhanced, and processes were restructured in 2013. IDO, which considers customer feedback as an opportunity to improve itself, has created various communication channels in order to ensure that its customers can easily communicate their feedback. Following the audit process in 2013, IDO was granted ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System and ISP 10002:2004 Customer Satisfaction Management System certificates.

OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety and ISO 14001 Environmental Management System

The Occupational Health and Safety System (OHSAS 18001) studies were initiated in 2007 to minimize the health and safety risks of our employees, customers, visitors and other individuals affected by our activities. By applying the requirements of OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001 standards in our company over the years, IDO eliminates and continuously reviews the risks that may arise from all our activities and takes necessary precautions. As a pioneer in the implementation of revised standards, IDO was granted ISO9001:2015, ISO10002:2014, ISO14001:2015 and OHSAS18001:2007 certificates following the audit processes carried out by the RINA certification body in 2016 and 2017.

ISM Code

International Ship Safety Management (ISM), which in part resembles the ISO 9001 system, is a safety and quality management system whose processes are particularly developed for ships. The specifications that a vessel is required to meet during trips, requirements for setting sail, technical equipment, security of life and property etc. are determined by these standards.

Upon the effectiveness of ISM, organizations operating international vessels and passenger ships holding the line permit for Coastwise line are required to obtain the Document of Compliance (DOC) for the offices and the Safe Management Certificate (SMC) for the vessels. IDO obtained The DOC certificate in 2002 for the first time, and the number of vessels with SMC has increased by years. As our Company engages in operating vessels on the coastwise line, all the vessels in our fleet hold the SMC.

EFQM Excellence Model

Our Company became a member of KalDer as of March 2006 in order to be more efficient in quality studies, which have been performed for several years, in the belief that it was only possible with the National Quality Movement (UKH) to embrace an understanding of quality that primarily starts with our employees and reaches our stakeholders through the organisation.

A Project Team was formed in 2006 to ensure the compatibility of studies in specific systems, to implement the EFQM Excellence Model, to engage in continuous improvement activities and benefit from the experiences at the national level and self-evaluation was performed following the implementation of the EFQM Excellence Model trainings.

Following the external assessment service procured from KalDer in November 2006, İDO was reviewed in scope of the EFQM Excellence Model and earned the right to obtain the certificate of “Competency in Excellence”. In 2008, our Company, continuously striving for self-improvement, received the National Quality Success Award under the category of Large-Scale Enterprises based on the assessments of KalDer. In 2009, IDO increased its score and was awarded the National Quality Success Award.

Our company, continuously operating in the pursuit of excellence, obtained the highest score and won the National Quality Grand Prize under the category of Large-Scale Enterprises in the Quality Congress organized by KalDer in 2010. At KalDer’s congress with the theme of Maintaining Excellence in 2015, İDO was given the title of “KALDER Excellence Ambassador” owing to its contribution to extending the concept of quality in Turkey and its success on the path to excellence.