Midilli, Samos ve Leros Seferlerimiz Satışa Açılmıştır!

Sea And Miles

What is Sea&Miles?

Sea&Miles is the loyalty program that includes digital solutions and tailored advantages offered by IDO to our esteemed guests.

You can easily sign up for free with your mobile number, without a membership number or card, and earn idoPara points from your IDO travels.

You can accumulate your idoPara points and buy award tickets for anyone you want, without any quota, for any trip at any time.Accumulating idoPara points on your IDO travels, Sea&Miles also offers special campaigns and instant surprise discounts for contracted brands.

Even when idoPara points in your account is not enough to use the award ticket, you will be able to purchase the ticket by paying the remaining amount.

Travel, get more points and enjoy with Sea&Miles!